When the world seems to get just a little bit harder, and our hearts seem to get just a little bit heavier; all we need is a little hope, or just the right words.

Monday, January 11, 2010

you make your own family.

I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before, because you hurt me so bad. i was afraid to be vunerable, i was afraid of you, and the way that you made me feel, and i know that doesnt matter now after what i did, i just thought you should know. this is how i spent my summer, wanting you. i was just too afraid to admit it.

I miss my best friend. I wish i could read people's minds. And figure out if maybe, she misses me, as much as i miss her. So then, we can talk about it. And stop acting like we're 6. Or maybe i'm the 6 year old and she's the adult...then again that's how its always been. I hate missing moments. Life is right now...wether its working out for you or not.

anyways, enjoy:

you were only given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

everytime you smile, you laugh, you glow
It's an extraordinary feeling

for an ordinary reason
I guess it's gonna have to hurt,

It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye.

i am not what they say, but if i turned out to be, would you love me anyway?
but i hate you for what you are, and for what i've become

behind every promise lies a broken heart
I don't need forever, only this moment.

Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

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